
HRM investigating whether different pit bulls were involved in fatal attacks


Animal Control investigates Bedford pit bull attack CTV's Bruce Frisko gives an update on the deaths of two smaller dogs in Bedford, N.S., on the weekend.

Animal Control investigators in Halifax confirm they're examining the possibility two different pit bulls with the same owner were responsible for the deaths of two smaller dogs in Bedford, N.S., on the weekend.

On Monday, Halifax Regional Police told CTV News one animal was believed to be to blame.

"A dog had attacked another dog when it came into the back yard where it was nursing puppies. The dog died as a result of its injuries. HRM Animal Services were called and continued the investigation," HRP spokesperson Cst. John MacLeod told CTV News via email.

Police were called back the following day at 7:35 a.m.

"The same dog from the previous incident attacked another dog that was with its owner walking on the side walk. The dog died as a result of its injuries. The dog was taken into custody by HRM Animal Services and they have taken over the investigation." said MacLeod.

Neighbours, though, insisted the attacking animals were different, although both had the same owner.

On Tuesday, officials confirmed they were looking into it.

“Animal Services is aware that there may be a second dog and are continuing to investigate," said HRM Public Affairs advisor Klara Needler, via email.

One animal was seized on Sunday, and is being held at the municipality’s contracted Animal Sheltering Service in Dartmouth, N.S.

Officials declined to provide a photo or description of the dog.

"Because this is an active investigation, the municipality cannot provide these details at this time," said Needler.

The situation is troubling for animal advocate Cathy Prothro, a former breeder of American Staffordshire Terriers.

"It's visceral for me when animals get killed, animals get attacked, people get hurt," said Prothro.

"But you have to kind of set that aside and look at the exact circumstance on what's happened, what's gone on," she said.

The back to back incidents have generated a lot of discussion in online chat groups, but Prothro says there are lessons that can already be learned.

"A leash, a crate, a fence, will save a lot of aggravation and heartache," she said.

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