New Brunswick

N.B. government says 2025 property assessment notices are mailed


New Brunswickers will soon get their property assessments in the mail.

Property owners around New Brunswick can expect to see their property assessment notices for the 2025 taxation year in the mail soon.

The New Brunswick government says property assessment notices have been mailed to property owners, and property tax bills showing the amount owed for provincial and local taxes will be mailed on March 3.

According to the news release on Monday, the province’s overall assessment base saw an 8.7 per cent increase – or $7.8 billion increase – over last year, reaching $97.2 billion.

The overall assessment base is based on the total value of property assessments in the province and is used by the provincial and local governments to set tax rates. Service New Brunswick is responsible for the assessments and classifications.

There is also a spike protection mechanism which has been expanded to all properties with an assessment increase greater than 10 per cent, but it excludes some properties, including:

- properties with new construction or major improvements

- properties that have been recently sold

- property values set by legislation

A property owner who disagrees with their assessment can also file for a request for review on the province’s website. The deadline to file a request for review for the 2025 taxation year is Feb. 19.

For more New Brunswick news, visit our dedicated provincial page.