Starting next year, provincial and territorial health plans will begin to cover primary care provided by pharmacists, midwives and nurse practitioners.
Health Minister Mark Holland announced the changes last Friday, and staff at the Cape Breton University School of Nursing (CBUSN) welcomed them.
“It’s a huge shift, and a great acknowledgment,” said Kimberley Lamarche, dean of the CBUSN).
Lamarche said being able to bill directly through insurance, rather than patients having to pay out-of-pocket, will not only help nurse practitioners when it comes to getting paid but will also benefit the people who need the care.
“Increase access,” Lamarche said. “Increase access to primary health care, increase access to specialized care in hospital.”
“There (are) many nurse practitioners across Nova Scotia who are accepting patients off the Need a Family Practice registry,” said Aprill Susin, a nurse practitioner and president of the Nova Scotia Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Last week, it was announced 9,000 fewer Nova Scotians are now on that waiting list.
Susin said the improvement is due in part to nurse practitioners, who are able to order lab tests, X-rays, CT scans and MRIs, and write prescriptions.
“You know, ideally we’d like it to be called ‘Needing Access to Care,’ because physicians and nurse practitioners are taking patients off that list,” Susin said.
Susin said the 430 nurse practitioners across Nova Scotia can play an even bigger role in helping address the gaps in health care in the province.
“Obviously, with the wait list the way it is, we need more health-care professionals,” Susin said. “So certainly, we can have more nurse practitioners. And I think the provincial government, the schools and the health authority are working really hard to implement that.”
At the CBUSN, there was a feeling the billing changes will also benefit people who live farther away from hospitals and walk-in clinics.
“One of the areas, as an example, that nurse practitioners have been able to assist in overcoming is the access in rural and remote areas,” Lamarche said. “Cape Breton Island has a lot of them.”
The federal government has said it expects the recently-announced changes to be implemented by April 1, 2026.
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