With the rise of body cameras among police forces over the last decade, Southern Georgian Bay OPP and other detachments are following along by reportedly rolling out brand-new body worn cameras (BWC) for their officers.
“The implementation of BWCs provides one more tool for the OPP to enable the collection of better evidence, demonstrate greater accountability and transparency, and enhance public and officer safety in the communities we serve,” said Const. Dave Hobson from Southern Georgian Bay OPP in a media release.
BWCs are worn on the front of an officer’s vest in a way that is clearly visible to anyone interacting with them.
The ring of lights on the BWC flashes red when recording, green when in standby mode.
Southern Georgian Bay OPP and other detachment officers are reportedly in the process of being trained on how to use BWCs and will begin wearing them as soon as their training is complete.
Hobson says the full rollout of the technology at Southern Georgian Bay OPP is expected by early spring.