
Lethbridge and southern Alberta expect to see more tourists this summer


Lethbridge and nearby destinations could see a bump in visitors as more Canadians plan to travel domestically amid the brewing trade war.

As tensions with the United States continue to rise, many Canadians won’t be heading south of the border this summer.

Rather than look at other international destinations, travel experts believe many people will opt instead to travel domestically.

That could mean more visitors in Lethbridge and southern Alberta.

“There’s a cost-of-living crisis. Affordability is a big issue for Canadians, but we still want to travel. So, when you’re looking for an affordable destination, for example, if you’re coming from Calgary or Edmonton or Vancouver, coming to a destination like Lethbridge is more affordable than, you know, crossing the country to Toronto or going to Montreal,” said Matt McNama, senior communications manager for Airbnb Canada.

Lethbridge could be set to see a tourism boom this summer.

The city is near tourist hot spots such as Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and Writing-on-Stone.

That makes Lethbridge an ideal jumping-off point for tourists.

“We offer that ability to come down and explore. Look at our UNESCO World Heritage sites. You can use Lethbridge as that hub. You can stay here, eat here, go to all of the amazing entertainment that we have in the city,” said Erin Crane, Tourism Lethbridge CEO.

National parks are also expecting a boost this year.

Business owners in Waterton are expecting similar domestic visitor numbers to years with COVID travel restrictions.

“Waterton was very explosive during that time. We had people from all over the province, B.C., Saskatchewan, coming to Waterton and just being blown away. And, you know, year after year, it’s gotten busier and busier with that local traffic,” said Shameer Suleman, president of the Waterton Park Chamber of Commerce.

While keeping Canadian tourists home will help local economies, it’s still important to attract American tourists to Canada.

Local tourist advocates believe Lethbridge will see a comparable number of American tourists to last year despite growing tension.

“We welcome those American travellers with open arms. And we hope that the rest of the community does as well, because they do bring that economic impact,” Crane said.