LETHBRIDGE — The Toque and Teddy Toss returns to the VisitLethbridge.com Arena on Friday evening.
The most popular game of the year will once again have a positive impact on the community.
Last year, it was Miguel Marques with the goal that sent the fur flying.
It's a moment players dream of growing up and one Marques will never forget.
"It's cool. I think it's just kind of the one time of year where the building is completely packed kind of thing and everyone's kind of super excited for this game," said Marques.
Last year saw nearly 3,800 stuffed toys and more than 900 toques hit the ice.
For several players, Friday night will be their first time on the ice for a teddy bear toss.
They'll look to make their own mark on the holiday tradition.
"It's going to be my first one, so I'm pretty excited. (The game is) against our rivals, so it should be a fun one and hopefully we get a win there," said rookie forward Cam Norrie.
It isn't just a memorable experience for players and fans; it's a game coaches also have circled on their calendars.
"It's exciting, right? That's an exciting event. Very good for the community. The guys are all talking about who's going to get (that goal)," said head coach Bill Peters.
"So, it's just fun, right? It's just one of those fun events. And then you're going into the holiday season. So, a lot of excitement around the teddy bear toss."
After all the donations are collected, they will be given to charities such as the Chinook Regional Hospital Foundation and Lethbridge Family Services.
Being able to give back to the community is something the Hurricanes pride themselves on.
"It's really huge for us. To be able to support our community, the impact that we have, I think, is always longstanding. We always hear from fans afterwards, like, even many years down the road, how, when their child was in the hospital, they were able to get a teddy bear during their visit. And how much happier it made the child,” said Kathy Hong, the Hurricanes' director of marketing and communications.
The Hurricanes are hoping to receive 4,800 stuffed toys and 1,500 toques.