All youth 12 to 17 years old will be eligible for their third dose on Friday.
According to Waterloo Region's public health unit, youth can get their third dose 168 days (or about six months) after their second dose.
“We are looking forward to administering third doses to 12 to 17 year olds to help protect them from COVID-19 and to keep them in school and doing the activities they enjoy,” said Vickie Murray, lead of the vaccine rollout in Waterloo Region in a news release. “We have lots of capacity at our vaccination clinics to administer third doses to youth so they can more safely resume extracurricular activities and do more of the things they enjoy as restrictions ease.”
Officials noted this comes as Ontario eases restrictions, and the third doses will allow this age group to "benefit from the additional protection."
Walk-ins will be available at regional vaccination clinics for youth, and third doses will also be available at pharmacies and some doctor's offices.