A last-minute pitch by the Chair of the London Transit Commission (LTC) to fend off calls for its dissolution failed to convince a majority of city council members on the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee.
LTC Chair Stephanie Marentette acknowledged to SPPC members that there have been communication gaps between the transit commission and city hall, but she believes more time and a commitment to collaboration would be the best path forward.
Over the weekend, council received three resignations from LTC members — Coun. David Ferreira, David Little and Jacqueline Madden, who expressed frustration with the “dynamics of decision-making” and divisiveness.
Marentette suggested the three vacant seats on the seven-member commission could be filled by city councillors, shifting the balance of power on the LTC to municipal politicians.
However, a motion signed by Coun. Corrine Rahman, Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis, Budget Chair Elizabeth Peloza, and Coun. David Ferreira cited a number of concerns with London Transit.
The concerns
- Accessibility
- Ridership experience
- Route extensions into new developments
- Service growth hours
- Rapid Transit implementation
- Responses to Council direction
Most of the committee agreed that a drastic change was needed, voting 9 to 6 in favour of disbanding the London Transit Commission.
An interim LTC board would be made up of five council members until a permanent governance structure is recommended by an auditor.
“A governance and operations audit is still underway that will provide a long-term resolution to how we look at what the permanent governance model will be,” Deputy Mayor Shawn Lewis tells CTV News after the meeting. “(Tonight’s decision) will give us a short-term, oversight body while we work through some of these issues.”
The London Transit Commission could be holding its last regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, March 26.
Remaining members
- Stephanie Marentette (Chair)
- Scott Collyer (Vice-Chair)
- Sheryl Rooth (Commissioner)
- Coun. Jerry Pribil (Commissioner)
Council seems poised to confirm the committee’s recommendation to dissolve the LTC at a meeting April 1.
Five councillors would be chosen at that time to sit on the interim LTC.