
Exploring a ring road and six-lane Wonderland Road to address traffic woes


London’s future mobility plans may take a page from the city’s past.

London’s future mobility plans may take a page from the city’s past.

On Tuesday during a discussion of the 25-year Mobility Master Plan, members of council’s Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee (SPPC) recommended resuming the planning process for a pair of stalled transportation mega-projects.

Coun. Corrine Rahman urged colleagues to restart the Discover Wonderland Environmental Assessment (EA) for widening Wonderland Road to six lanes along a congested section between Southdale Road and Fanshawe Park Road.

It’s a project that could cost $400 million to complete.

“The EA process is an opportunity for us to continue this conversation, which I know my residents really want us to have,” explained Rahman who represents northwest London.

However, Coun. Skylar Franke reminded colleagues that city engineers did not recommend adding two additional traffic lanes, “As we heard, it might improve commute times for drivers by two minutes, but it would severely disadvantage people who take transit, essentially doubling their commute times by 2050.”

The EA was paused by city council in 2021.

Rahman emphasized that the motion recommends two new traffic lanes, but it also requests an analysis of converting those new lanes into Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) routes in the future.

The committee recommended (9-6) to restart the Discover Wonderland EA.

“We’re approaching half a million people,” said Coun. Paul Van Meerbergen. “We’re a major city, and we can’t get around in a vehicle. That’s a problem!”

Meanwhile, the committee also resurrected the possibility of a ring road around the perimeter of the city.

“If not now, then when do we have this type of discussion?” asked Coun. Steve Lehman. “It’s what I want to see. I want to make sure we don’t miss an opportunity.”

Lehman and Rahman’s motion requested that the mayor initiate discussions with neighbouring municipalities and the provincial government.

But concerns were raised by Coun. Elizabeth Peloza that a ring road would run counter to the London Plan’s principle of building up, not out.

“As we’re trying to promote infill intensification and lower servicing costs by keeping things within the (city) borders, this will potentially just push it to the outer rim,” Peloza explained.

Mayor Josh Morgan saw merit in having a discussion with neighbouring communities about the potential benefits to the region.

He emphasized that construction of a new highway around part of London would have to be a provincially funded project.

“I’m not saying that means it’s a good idea or a bad idea, [but] I think there’s a discussion that can be had,” the mayor added.

Council will make a final decision about planning for a ring road and wider Wonderland Road on April 1.