
St. Thomas police detail the growing problem of intimate partner violence


St. Thomas Police Service (STPS) say that cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) continue to grow in their city and they’re taking steps to try to address the

St. Thomas Police Service (STPS) say that cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) continue to grow in their city and they’re taking steps to try to address the issue.

Data from STPS released on Wednesday indicated that reports of intimate partner violence grew 11.4 per cent from 2022 to 2024 and the number of charges jumped 37.7 per cent over that period.

YearIPV IncidentsCharges

Source: St. Thomas Police Service

Police also highlighted new steps to reduce IPV in the community. They included deploying highly trained officers and support staff specializing in IPV investigations.

St. Thomas Police Service indicated that it’s also strengthening partnerships with community agencies. That includes working more closely with Victim Services Elgin (VSE). That agency now has space in STPS headquarters.

Police also used a 2023 Provincial Victim Support Grant to expand education, awareness, and direct support efforts for those impacted by intimate partner violence.

Police are also committing to improved data collection and greater transparency when it comes to IPV cases.

A St. Thomas Police Service vehicle (CTV News London file photo)
011525_St. Thomas Police Service vehicle A St. Thomas Police Service vehicle (CTV News London file photo)

In April of 2024, St. Thomas council voted unanimously to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic. At the time Mayor Joe Preston told council, “The more conversation we can have about an intimate partner violence, the more awareness is out there and the more steps can be taken to help prevent it.”

Council’s declaration was spurred, in part, by a campaign by Jodi Marissen.

Marrisen was drawing from her own experiences with intimate partner violence, and from the loss of her friend Tanya Wiebe. Wiebe was shot by her partner 34-year-old Kyle Savage in a case of murder/suicide on Roberts Line in Central Elgin on January 31, 2024.

Marissen told CTV News she is encouraged by steps taken by police but says the courts also have to do more to protect victims of IPV, “I can appreciate that the number of charges being laid is increasing. But I think where the real systemic failure is, [is] with the court systems. I would almost challenge you to look at what the conviction rates are, because that’s where it really matters.”

Marissen said coming forward to report abuse continues to be daunting for IPV victims, and the cases often result in sentences that don’t include jail time, “To just know that they’re going to get probation, you know, and the longest probation they could get is 36 months. And what does that mean? Nothing.” She added, “I’ve lost count of how many probation orders there have been in my experience. When they’re breached, it doesn’t matter. And that sends a huge message to the victims. So, it’s almost easier to just not say anything”