
Here's who has been identified to be on the REAL Board of Directors


City administration and the Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL) has identified a short list of individuals to sit on REAL’s permanent board of directors.

Seven people have been selected as administrations recommended board.

They are Michael MacNaughton, Kevin Dureau, Kathy Hillman-Weir, Christine Short, Sarah Fedirko, Johnathan Hackshaw, and Jamie Boldt.

Four of the board members would have a term of three years while the remaining three members would sit on the board for just two years.

The new board of directors would then recruit a permanent CEO.

Regina City Manager Niki Anderson, who is currently the interim board chair, would remain on the Board of Directors in a non-voting director position.

According to Wednesday’s council agenda, the interim board used the “existing skills matrix for the REAL BoD.”

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“Skillsets include board experience, strategic planning, stakeholder relations, human resources, finance, legal, branding and communications, commercial and infrastructure development, sport, entertainment and recreation, food and beverage, and agriculture,” the agenda goes on to say.

Over 120 people expressed interest in the role. Just 79 completed applications.

Administration says a board subcommittee met in August to interview applicants and came up with a short list of 14 people before identifying the seven individuals as desired appointees.

The nominees were released to city councillors following Executive Committee last week during a private session and approved to move forward to city council.

The permanent board of directors still requires city council approval, which is expected to be debated at their meeting Wednesday afternoon.