
‘I did nothing wrong’: unapologetic councillor reprimanded for offensive comments


Winnipeg councillor Russ Wyatt speaks to media in Winnipeg, Friday, March 1, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods
Winnipeg councillor Russ Wyatt speaks to media in Winnipeg, Friday, March 1, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods (JOHN WOODS/THE CANADIAN PRESS)

An unapologetic Russ Wyatt was officially reprimanded by city council over ‘offensive, disrespectful’ comments he made to civil servants – but some councillors say the penalty doesn’t go far enough.

“I did nothing wrong. I spoke my mind,” Wyatt told council during a meeting Thursday. “I asked a serious question on behalf of the people I represent, which is what we all have sworn an oath of office and are elected to do.”

This all stems from comments the Transcona councillor made against former city CAO Michael Jack back in August 2023. Wyatt was quoted in the media saying Jack was not adequately performing his duties, saying he and another civil servant should be fired.

“The comments were offensive, disrespectful, threatening and amount to harassment,” Edmonton-based investigator Jamie Pytel wrote in an integrity commissioner report.

Read more: Russ Wyatt won’t apologize for public comments about former city CAO

The report called for a public apology from Wyatt, which the councillor refused and accused council of ‘weaponizing’ the code of conduct and using it against him.

“I simply was doing what is my responsibility to the citizens that I represent, as under the oath of council, to hold accountable our most senior administration,” he said.

Coun. Markus Chambers (St. Norbert-SeineRiver) noted this isn’t the first time Wyatt’s comments have landed him in hot water. He highlighted an incident in April when during a discussion about bicycle lanes, Wyatt characterized some of the delegations as “bike nazis.” He later formally apologized.

“There is a pattern of lack of restraint in terms of the comments that are being made,” Chambers said Thursday, calling for a consequence that would prohibit this kind of language.

“Not to muzzle an individual, but to use better words to express or convey concerns or to ask a question to get a proper response.”

The integrity commissioner recommended council reprimand Wyatt for his comments, but some councillors argued that doesn’t go far enough.

“Coun. Wyatt’s continued defiance and disregard for the integrity commissioner’s finding reflect a disturbing pattern that I believe we all witness firsthand,” said Coun. Sherri Rollins (Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry).

She called for council to order mandatory training for Wyatt and suspend him for one council meeting.

“I believe until this issue is adequately addressed, we will continue to see the same patterns of disrespect, dysfunction which will ultimately harm the city’s ability to serve the public in a professional and effective manner.”

Coun. Cindy Gilroy (Daniel McIntyre) agreed, saying there needs to be more than just a reprimanding.

“I think the public needs more, and I think that if we want to be held to a higher regard, we got to hold ourselves to a higher regard,” she said.

That idea was rejected by council, which opted only to reprimand Wyatt. Mayor Scott Gillingham said that is what is outlined it the code of conduct.

However, he called on all councillors to act in a manner consistent with that code.

“We all know that yes, there is laws of freedom of speech, but freedom of speech in this country doesn’t mean you can say anything at any time,” he said.